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Venite pa’ Maracaibo

Conoce a Venezuela

Puente sobre el LagoEl Zulia, es el estado más occidental del país y uno de los más importantes para la economía nacional por su inmensa riqueza petrolera y carbonífera. Posee 63.100 Km2 que albergan a más de 3 millones de habitantes y en cuyas tierras fértiles se asienta una ganadería en expansión; ubicando a la entidad en el primer estado productor no sólo de crudo, sino también de rubro agropecuario y agrícola y una de las regiones más ricas en recursos hídricos y turísticos.

De su territorio total, 14.344 Km2 corresponden al Lago de Maracaibo, posicionándolo en el lago más imponente del país y el más grande de América del Sur; otorgándole al estado vastos escenarios naturales que, junto a sus modernas edificaciones, su gastronomía y contagiosa música, hacen del estado Zulia una excelente propuesta turística.

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Metro de Maracaibo prestará servicio gratuito este domingo 16-D‏


Para beneficio de miles de zulianos, el Metro de Maracaibo laborará gratis este domingo 16 de diciembre durante la jornada electoral, donde se escogerá a gobernadores y diputados al Consejo Legislativo.

El presidente del Sistema de Transporte Masivo de Maracaibo (STMM), Rafael Colmenárez, informó que el horario será extendido de seis de la mañana a ocho de la noche, lo que permitirá movilizar a los 42 mil pasajeros que a diario hacen uso del Metro en la época decembrina.

“Una disposición del Gobierno Bolivariano, ejecutada por el Ministerio del Poder Popular para Transporte Terrestre, ordena que prestemos gratis el servicio durante las elecciones regionales. El objetivo es brindar a los marabinos las facilidades para que ejerzan su derecho al voto”, indicó Colmenárez.

Usuarios en Libertador 3 Metro de Maracaibo prestará servicio gratuito este domingo 16 D‏

Los usuarios tienen a su disposición las estaciones Altos de La Vanega, El Varillal, El Guayabal, Sabaneta, Urdaneta y Libertador para llegar de forma segura, rápida y cómoda…

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Transportation: Minimetro


We have come to find that the city of Perugia has an abundant network of public transportation options, including city and suburban buses, as well as the Minimetro.  The girls love to ride on the Minimetro, which to them, is like riding some sort of fair or theme park ride!

The Minimetro rides on a solid rail line that goes from Centro (said sort of like “Chin-throw”; the [old] city center) down to the southwest outskirts of the city–where expansion has been/is taking place.  There are tunnels, as well as inclines and declines, depending upon whether you are leaving the city or entering the city.

Currently, there are 7 different stops/stations where one can get on at.  The cars run on cables, running up and down the track, and one stops at each station every 2 minutes or so (whether there are people ready to get on/off or not).


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Perugia’s Mini Metro


Saturday April 16
Today I am going to Orvieto, which is a project just to get there, although well worth it. The transportation included taking Perugia’s Mini Metro, 3 trains, and a funicular, a two hour process altogether.

Perugia has a Mini Metro which consists of unmanned “cars” with seats and standing space, each car possibly having a capacity for 30 people. It operates on a series of cables and transports people from the centro storico on top of the hill to the lower part of Perugia, near the train station and other areas. The distance it covers is approximately 3 km or just under two miles, and takes a few minutes at a cost of one euro and 50 cents. It really is pretty cool!


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Ride the Mini Metro with me in Perugia


When I visited Perugia, I had to take their Mini Metro to reach the lower part of the city. This mode of transport is  efficient as well as inexpensive. I thought you might enjoy sharing the two-minute ride with me.

Read about more of me adventures during my 3-month solo travel in Italy in my first book, Memoirs of a Solo Traveler – My Love Affair with Italy. Available on Amazon in paperbook and Kindle.

Memoirs of a Solo Traveler - My Love Affair with Italy






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Il minimetrò di Perugia e le elezioni amministrative 2009

Minimetro Perugia!


Minimetrò Perugia ed Elezioni Amministrative 2009Il minimetrò di Perugia, invenzione amata e odiata, voluta, promossa e realizzata dall’amministrazione uscente, scatena forti passioni. Quelli che se lo sentono vibrare e stridere sotto casa tutti i giorni, lo odiano, quelli che lo guardano nell’ottica di sviluppo, prestigio e comunicazione, lo amano. Tutti hanno qualcosa da dire in proposito.

In prossimità delle elezioni, invito chi ha qualcosa da chiedere sul destino del Minimetrò di Perugia a iscriversi al gruppo di Facebook myperugia o a seguire e commentare il post nel blog ho pensato che potesse essere interessante rivolgere delle domande dirette ai quattro candidati al ruolo di sindaco di Perugia. Perché non inserire anche una domanda proprio sul Minimetrò?

Posto che il Minimetrò esiste e che smantellarlo non avrebbe senso, qualcuno ha qualche domanda specifica su questo argomento da rivolgere ai candidati? E’ il momento di chiedere chiarimenti!


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